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Rings of Power Season One Trivia

Recently, our discord community rewatched season one of The Rings of Power together - and after we finished the finale, I hosted an online trivia event for anyone interested in participating! We had a lovely time and I wanted to share our trivia questions & answers for anyone interested in hosting a trivia night of their own.

The questions are broken into four sections:

  1. Easy - these were questions I hope will be more accessible to the average viewer.

  2. “Who Said That?” - a series of quotes that participants must match to the speaker.

  3. Difficult - these are a bit more difficult, created for the more devoted fans.

  4. Behind the Scenes - questions about background info surrounding the series.

Section One: Easy Stuff

  1. What is the first line spoken in episode one?

  2. What is the name of the region which will later become Mordor?

  3. According to Disa, what is Durin IV’s favorite meal?

  4. What are the names of the children of Durin IV and Disa? 

  5. What is the name of the village that Arondir and Bronwyn discover has been destroyed in episode one? This is the town in which Bronwyn was born.

  6. What is the name of Isildur’s horse? 

  7. What is the name of Elendil’s daughter, an original character created for the show?

  8. What are the two meanings of the name Elendil?

  9. What is the name of the body of water in which Galadriel jumps at the end of episode one?

  10. What does “Adar” mean in Sindarin? 

Section Two: Who Said That?

  1. “You deserve a nip of mash after what you’ve done.” 

  2. “Even the hottest coals will eventually cool”

  3. “A dog may bark at the moon. But he cannot bring it down.”

  4. “Cleverness is for men of small ambition.”

  5. “Wow! Blueberry indeed.”

  6. “The same wind that seeks to blow out a fire may also cause its spread.”

  7. “Give me the meat and give it to me raw.”

  8. “You have been told many lies of Middle-earth.”

  9. “Do you think the stars reached down and touched you?”

  10. "If We Didn't Do Everything We Weren't Supposed To, We'd Hardly Do Anything At All."

Section Three: Difficult

  1. When we first meet Isildur in episode three, how many days away are he and his friends from their Sea Trials?

  2. In episode six, what elvish ritual does Adar do before marching into battle?

  3. What is Nori’s middle name? 

  4. What does Finrod shout in the midst of battle during the episode one prologue?

  5. What is the name of Theo’s friend who is ultimately killed by Adar? 

  6. What does Arondir whisper to the tree before ultimately chopping it down? English or Elvish responses are okay. 

  7. According to Galadriel, how did she and Celeborn meet?

  8. What did Galadriel tell Theo that Celeborn looked like in his armor?

  9. Gil-galad asks Elrond to recount an apocryphal myth to him. What was this called? 

  10. What is the name of the elf soldier who leads the mutiny against Galadriel in episode one?

Section Four: Behind-the-Scenes

  1. Name the two showrunners behind The Rings of Power.

  2. Who composed the musical score for The Rings of Power?

  3. Name the actress who portrayed a young Galadriel.

  4. In which country was season one of the Rings of Power filmed?

  5. In which year did Amazon purchase the television rights for The Lord of the Rings?

  6. Which renowned Tolkien artist designed the snow-troll Galadriel fights in episode one?

  7. Name the orc played by actor Robert Strange.

  8. On what date was the very first look at Rings of Power, featuring a sweeping shot of Finrod walking up a hill in Valinor, released? Getting the month and year correct will be fine. '

  9. What is the name of the white horse Galadriel rides in Numenor?

  10. Name the actor who portrays Vrath, among other characters, who also appeared in all of the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit films.

Section One Answers:

  1. “Nothing is evil in the beginning.”

  2. The Southlands. 

  3. Mole Tail Stew

  4. Gerda and Gamli.

  5. Horden. 

  6. Berek 

  7. Earien

  8. Elf-friend and “One Who Loves the Stars”

  9. The Sundering Seas

  10. Father

Section Two Answers:

  1. Waldreg

  2. Disa

  3. Durin IV

  4. Pharazôn

  5. Largo (Nori’s dad)

  6. Gil-galad

  7. Durin IV

  8. Adar

  9. Marigold

  10. Nori Brandyfoot

Section Three Answers

  1. Nine

  2. Planting seeds. 

  3. Kellamark. 

  4. Valaron kalanen! Firuvante!

  5. Rowan. 

  6. Anin apsine or “forgive me”. 

  7. Whilst she was dancing in a glade of flowers.

  8. A Silver clam. 

  9. The Song of the Roots of Hithaeglir

  10. Thondir (but I will also accept Gigwit).

Section Four Answers

  1. JD Payne and Patrick McKay. 

  2. Bear McCreary

  3. Amelie Child Villiers

  4. New Zealand

  5. 2017

  6. John Howe

  7. Lurka

  8. August 2, 2021

  9. Titan

  10. Jed Brophy