The Shadow Falls on Númenor (Second Age 1800 - 3255)

The Shadow Falls on Númenor (Second Age 1800 - 3255)

Hello and welcome to Tea with Tolkien, an online community for the Hobbit at Heart. We are inspired by the works, life, and Catholic faith of JRR Tolkien and strive to encourage others towards a deeper love and understanding of Tolkien’s Legendarium by hosting a free book club, providing free resources such as our Silmarillion Reader’s guide, and cultivating a vibrant and positive online community. Our book club is currently reading through this newly released book, The Fall of Númenor, edited by Brian Sibley.

If you’d like to join in on the discussion, you can sign up for our book club at to receive the link to our discord server.

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The Downfall of Númenor (Second Age 3261 -3319)

The Downfall of Númenor (Second Age 3261 -3319)

Live Q&A with Dr. Holly Ordway, Author of Tolkien's Faith: A Spiritual Biography

Live Q&A with Dr. Holly Ordway, Author of Tolkien's Faith: A Spiritual Biography