All tagged Book Review

The Word on Fire Bible to Become the First Bible Featuring Commentary from JRR Tolkien

This Bible feels very meditative, like a slow walk through the Scriptures. I once read an anecdote about Tolkien in which his friends mentioned that Tolkien couldn’t simply go on a quick walk because he would so frequently stop to point out a particular plant or insect, often stopping altogether when something interested him. This Bible feels a bit like this, in the most delightful way. You can’t just rush through the Scriptures, it’s best to work through them slowly. It feels almost like a long walk through the Sistine Chapel or a forest perhaps.

Book Review: “Symbol or Substance?: A Dialogue on the Eucharist”

Peter Kreeft’s The Philosophy of J.R.R. Tolkien has been one of my favorite resources in understanding the role Tolkien’s Catholic faith played in the shaping of Middle-earth, so I was incredibly pumped to learn of Kreeft’s latest book, Symbol or Substance?: A Dialogue on the Eucharist with C.S. Lewis, Billy Graham, and J.R.R. Tolkien. And it was incredible. 10/10 recommend.

John Ronald's Dragons (A Book Review & Giveaway)

Last week, a friend shared a photo of a library book she'd come across about a boy named John Ronald who loved dragons. And as my little ones have been getting older and asking me to read more often to them, I've been trying to be more intentional about the books I fill our shelves with... so I knew I needed this one.  I posted a little about it on my Instagram feed but I thought I'd share a few more of my thoughts on this sweet biography of JRR Tolkien for children for those who were interested. The story itself was absolutely darling, and the illustration just brought it to life in the sweetest way!